I’m guessing stuff like Gerson Therapy where you fast only consuming fresh vegan juice and nutritional supplements while you give yourself organic coffee enemas to cure your cancer.
Everything after “What, You guys don’t have phones” was cake on the icing.
They also recently made the upgrade path for Warcraft 3 classic untenable. I basically had to hack the Gibson to install modern Warcraft III reborn minus the reborn part because I didn’t have to buy it when it came out and I shouldn’t have to buy it now.
It’s not like they are plaintext, and increased availability/ redundancy would be one potential reason for deciding to have a cloud synced password manager database.
There are other solutions that you can self host or create yourself, and if that works better for you and your use case, I encourage it.
I’m not super versed on monitors outside of stage performances, and I didn’t do acquisitions. Don’t most people who use IEM’s for standard audio use a nice driver or prefer a device with a good audio out and lossless format compatibility? I guess I kinda assumed if you cared enough to distinguish using monitors instead of earbuds you care about other factors too.