The government doesn’t go out of it’s way to give you one, but they usually aren’t difficult to get. Driver’s licenses and passports are commonly used as ID. Many states will also issue a state ID card, though the process for getting one varries by state.
Driving, or at least being able to drive, is so ubiquitous that nearly everyone over 16 has some kind of driver’s license. That’s especially true of rural areas like Arkansas.
For these kinds of things “official document” typically means a driver’s license, passport, state ID, military ID, etc. Anything issued by a state or federal government that has your name, date of birth, and photo.
They aren’t pearl clutching, they’re stating the obvious fact that humanity is pumping out solar panels as fast as macroeconomic (or perhaps geographic) forces will allow.
Monocrystalline panels take quite a lot of pure silicon, which may not technically be rare earth, but it is in quite high demand right now.
I suspect that most existing subscribers won’t even notice that the price is increasing and will keep letting it charge them anyway. AOL still makes money this way.
And not everyone is as savvy to set up an ad blocker, especially on mobile.
As for value, that’s always subjective. There are probably people who would argue that is more than worth their money. Not me though.
Sounds like the injured officers are suing. It’s a civil case not criminal, so I’m not sure how much the court would actually be asked to legislate. I’d be interested to hear their arguments, though I’m sure part of their reasoning for suing Tesla over the driver is they have more money.