My backup plan includes Backrest (restic) up to B2. So far so good!
Right now I have 32 active stacks running and a good number of them create at least one other container like a database. So I’m running around 60+ separate containers. The machine has maybe an i5 6500 or so in it with 32g of ram. I use unraid as the nas platform but I do all the docker stuff manually. It’s plenty fast for what I need so far… :)
Also works really well and is free.
I tried it a while back, maybe a month or two, and for some reason I couldn’t even get it to run. It’s not my first time using docker, I have almost 60 containers now, but for some reason something wasn’t clicking. I’m bummed b/c I really want to try it. I’ll revisit it again probably in the next month or two just to see if something has changed. Sorry I"m not more helpful.
I’ve moved from Synology and have started using Owncloud. So far it has been mostly fine. I had a wierd issue upgrading from 10.13 to 10.14 but was able to simply redo my setup and it’s now fine. However, I’m also checking out Seafile. So far it seems very quick and works well but I haven’t gotten to really put it through the paces. It’s main downside is the data not being stored in standard files/folders. My 2 cents…
I literally just set up a container for Erugo for this exact thing. It worked perfectly and was super easy to do. It’s just a self-hosted version of wetransfer. Could be helpful…