Tangential partial offtopic aside: Unless i’m misunderstanding, you’re setting this up behind your home router and allowing it on your various devices using a VPN. Am i right? Any details, or even better, guides, on how to replicate this setup? I guess the DNS records on Leng are to be able to call services inside your home LAN by name instead of IPs, which is a nice quality of life upgrade.
Troy Hunt, the Have I Been Pwned person, has a very informative analysis of the breach that was not a breach, turns out nothing actually “leaked” from Linkedin, it’s a mix of scrapped and generated stuff
Dude had an anonymous birdsite account with about a dozen followers, all they did was retweet stuff critical of the government, and somehow the government identified him and sentenced him to death over this. How did they find this info? Twitter outright gave it to them, therefore they became accomplices in a death.
Seems to be VERY tech related.
But that’s what the marketers are selling, “this will replace a lot of workers!” and it just cannot