… there are somethings that are often left out of the pricing
Another example that gets skimmed over or ignored is the massive cost of decommissioning a nuclear power plant. It typically ranges from $280 million to $2 billion, depending on the technology used. More complex plants can be up to $4 billion. And the process can take 15 to 30 years to complete.
Yeah great storage price at ~$4 / TB / month. But be aware that egress is $7 / TB.
If someone is mostly just backing up, that’s probably not an issue… well, at least until you have to do a big restore, or you do large recovery testing, or even just backup validations, etc.
If someone is doing lots of reading of their cloud data, e.g. streaming, then there are overall cheaper options than Storj.
One other thing I liked about Storj is that they split each file up geographically. So there’s a little extra level of privacy and security.
We must read very different sources. For example, I’ve seen plenty of articles and videos just this week for Samsung’s 1,000 km EV battery with its 20 year life span, and 9-minute charging. If you consider those combined features incremental, then I can see why you’re frustrated. It’s already in production, and has been delivered to "customers. Samsung are even gearing up for out-sourced mass manufacturing. That’s well beyond some theoretical lab experiment that has no chance of seeing the light of day.
I don’t disagree with you about the 99% over-hype being a PITA. But to adamantly state you’re seeing nothing reported on, while admitting you “could’ve just missed them” doesn’t sound convincing. Besides, it only takes a single article for you to be wrong about it being “never.”
I have never said or intended to imply that there were no advances made in the last 20 or 30 years.
This would be great news if it was commercialy viable, but it isn’t. It NEVER is.
That’s pretty definite by any measure.
But I get it. 99% of the announcements go nowhere. And it’s worse if an announcement is just hype or hyperbole. However, in science we have to do the 99% to find the 1% of true advancements.
So of if your point is just that you don’t like the hyperbole, then using hyperbole yourself is not doing yourself any favour. Of course people are going to be more measured and realistic in reply to your blatant over-statements and denials.
You’re partially right. Trump originally wanted to ban TikTok because “China.”
However, the platform’s influence on younger voters supposedly helped him to win the election, so he now favors it.
No surprise that Trump’s personal needs are far more important than real US security.