Thanks to Popcrave
Who here is going to put their ID and photo on X/Twitter
Ah yes, just take a photo of your id. Surely X can be trusted, right… right guys?
Sure it can. Just wait 'til it also becomes your banking app, keeping your money totally safe, then you’ll be able to double trust it. Would space karen x ever lie to anyone? /s
Of course she wouldn’t lie to anyone. Just wait 'til your totally safely kept money becomes programmable by central banks, regulating where you can spend it, when you can spend it, what you can spend it on, and builds a neat profile of yourself linking every single activity you do, online and offline. We wouldn’t want any terrorists or bad citizens to be out there now, would we? /s
If they ever have a data breach I’m sure they’ll totally do right by the consumer also 🙄
Wouldn’t trust this clown with my digital words, let alone a copy of my actual ID
I’m sure they would offer 6 months of free credit screening as a consolation like all the other companies do. Just enter your social security number so they know what to look out for.