Maybe an inclusion of the word sorry.
And wording it so it sounds like it was written by an actual human being that gives a shit and not a dressed out HR drone that only knows corpspeak.
That I can agre to. The word sorry bares some weight and to me it shows that you care even more than just doing damage control.
Unfortunately saying sorry is an admission of guilt. A sterile corporate response is the best they can do to appear impartial while the investigation goes ahead. The apologies may come later if there is truth to the allegations.
Saying sorry isn’t (legally) an admission of guilt in Canada
Dude, crimes have been alleged. You do not say “sorry” in writing while a criminal investigation is looming.
Maybe an inclusion of the word sorry.
yeah because we all know the internet is level headed and it won’t be twisted into a clear admission of guilt 5 nano seconds later…
This reads as it was written by ChatGPT.
They tried that with the video, it didn’t work.