Ex-Linus Tech Tips employee alleges mistreatment and poor conditions: “no one gets a break” - Dexerto::undefined
I’m just gonna say that, after around 25 people or so, you’re no longer a small company. You’ve entered a solid intermediate realm. At 100+ employees. LMG is not a small company. Just average, most large companies have around 200 give or take 50 people. Very few international conglomerates surpass the thousands and several thousands of employees, and they’re typically broken up hierarchically into 100 to 200 people units. So calling LMG a small company diminishes the extend of the potential harm they could incur. This is not a four people startup suffering from the woes of the YT algorithm. This is systematic and management enabled abuse.
Yea, I started to work at my current company at only 12 employees. Now we’re more than 100 people employed and I can definitely see some growing pains. The biggest change for me is previously there’s basically no intra office politics but with more product people being added they started scheming to get more advantage inside the company.
I strongly disagree.
I work for a company that employs around 50,000 people. My department alone is close to 100 people.
That sounds like a lot of people and I would consider this to be a pretty large company, but we don’t even hold a candle to super giants like Amazon who employs a little more than 1.5million people.
They are most certainly still small, but well past the “mom and pop” small business stage.
I address this in my comment. Companies with more that 10 thousands of employees are a handful. And Amazon is one company. Multi million employees companies, like FAANG members, are in the single digits. They are an anomaly and hardly represent large companies. The vast majority of companies considered large, rarely break the thousand employees.