NFTs do have value in narrow use cases. For instance Domain names are NFTs and incredibly important to the way humans interact with the internet.
Except they aren’t because they are just managed by a bunch of central agencies.
Not everything that’s digital and where the rights to it can be sold is an NFT.
Lmao, have you ever a bought a domain name. Its not an NFT, lmao you don’t even own one permanently after buying u. You basically license one from a registrar and that expires after a set interval. There’s no NFTs involved.
You’re the third person to say the same thing. NFTs conceptually predate the existence of the blockchain and don’t need to be on it. Wikipedia or w/e you got your definition that says otherwise are simply wrong. And yes, I own several different domain names.
At some point in time you’ll just have to unravel your word salad and realize that all things associated with this space are incredulous.
Not sure you know what the token part of NFT means. Usually it’s the non fungible part, so congrats on being uniquely wrong.
Except that they’re not. NFTs take something that exists - like domain names - and injects unnecessary Blockchain bs. What added value does a Blockchain bring?