What (of value) does crypto do that existing payment services don’t?
I’m not suggesting that crypto replace any existing use for bank cards or apps like zelle or cash app. I’m suggesting that there are other payment scenarios where excusing systems don’t fit, like a dispensary that lost access to a payment processor (hypothetical, not sure if this has happened) or a merchant wanting to avoid transaction fees. It’s absolutely useless in 99% of all transactions, but it’s not 100%.
Are you arguing that any technology that does the same thing as an existing one has zero value whatsoever?
If I had to spitball an answer, I’d say the value of an innovation increases as it improves on existing similar things, and decreases as it worsens from them.
I don’t see any benefit to crypto for sending money, and introducing a new, volatile currency backed by people’s imagination is a detraction to me.