The far-left purity test alienates many mostly-left people.
You can be pro-choice, pro-women, all for supporting the poor, gay rights and trans rights - but if you dare suggest that maybe trans women shouldn’t be competing against born women in top-level sports, then the vocal left brand you as a transphobic TERF whose opinion isn’t even worth listening to. They would rather fight you over the 2% of things you disagree on, than embrace you for the 98% of values you have in common.
The vocal left want diversity in color, gender and sexuality - but they will not tolerate any diversity in thought or opinion.
Indeed, this is the major problem on the left. It’s why there’s so much interest online in centrist “anti-woke” discussions and podcasts. But it’s also fertile recruiting ground for the far right - if you’re excommunicated for the 2% difference and actually, effectively canceled (I mean like a twitter mob actually gets you fired or the like), you’re more inclined to go where people support you, and all too often, that’s now the far right.
Identitarinasm doesn’t lead anywhere good IMO on either side, and we would do well to re-think that on the “loud” part of the left.
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No… They want people to be able to be themselves without being hounded by bigots. Somehow not a big going to ask imo. And yes, if you are talking about trans woman and AMAB people in that way and preventing women from joining sports (which has included all levels of sports), yes, you’re being transphobic.
This post is a perfect example of alienating people who are almost entirely progressive, because they don’t perfectly toe the left line.
Is the rush you feel from being righteous online really worth the millions of votes it costs the progressive cause?
Yeah, ok bud. Whatever you need to tell yourself is reality.
Are you not self-aware enough to see how brilliantly you are making their point? This is the tyranny of small differences in action; either you’re with me 100 percent, or you are cast out as an unclean bigot. This is why the Democrats are losing the working class that would otherwise be their natural allies. People have been yelling this at you for years, but for some reason you are unable to hear it.
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Who are you even talking to? This 100% with us or against us shit is bullshit. You can be a Democrat/Progressive and still be a bigot, racist, asshole, etc. If you don’t like that label than it’s on you to work on or be at peace with. If you go around spouting it on the internet or yelling it at people, prepare for the consequences. That’s how life works.
On the other hand, If that label or single issue makes you say “This means I have to vote for a Republican instead” then you’re a shitty person who doesn’t deserve respect. It’s even more appropriate now that MAGA really showed everyone who the GOP was.
This is just like that “if you’re not nice to people, it will make them vote for Trump” bullshit that was peddled all over reddit. Usually pushed by right-wing, bad faith dipshits trying to muddy the waters.