LOL over there there’s a crazy concentration of toxic people, take out the block?
Also how all those politicians that block hundreds of people a day can continue to use the platform?
Wait until people and brands start getting spammed with @s full of porn or CSAM and they can’t block the person tweeting it at them.
I believe you could use block to prevent other people’s shit from showing up in your feeds that other people see. My account is there, pointing at my mastadon account, but I deleted the app from my phone last December, so it doesn’t really matter to me what happens on that site. But, it seems wild that a person can spam your feed with goatse and you can’t do anything about it.
oh him and his buddies will still enjoy blocking undesirables. this whole stunt is just so everyone has to read every stupid thought that comes out of his stupid mouth.
Its all part of the plan. EM does one outrageous thing each day to constantly stay in the news cycle. The ego must be fed.
Oscar Wilde described this mentality in The Picture of Dorian Gray
“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”