Embrace public transit? I would if my city and state actually invested in it, cared about it, and actually had lines where my office is. Don’t put this on me. I literally have to drive.
My dude what do you think OP is talking about. That’s what embracing public transit means ya dingus.
I wasn’t responding to OP. Dingus. Another person said “Americans need to embrace public transit.” Ya. Ok. When he said “Americans” doesn’t it seem like he’s implying people, like me need to “embrace it.” I’m responding saying how can I embrace it if there’s nothing to embrace and my elected officials do nothing about adding better public transit? Fucking read. Another person responded in a similar fashion as I did and they responded saying they should have framed it better. Again. Fucking read.
You live in a democracy lol
You make it sound like you’re in an authoritarian state
You live in a democracy lol
That hasn’t been true since the 80s.
Sure doesn’t feel like it a lot of the time