Didnt you know that a 27 year old technobro is smarter than generations of monetary systems built upon since the dawn of man? Lol
The society built on those monetary systems is literally destroying the planet. The history of those monetary systems is of the ruling class debasing currency and seizing as much value under the eyes of the law as possible for their private benefit going back thousands of years. Our entire legal system grew out of the Roman Empire, European feudalism, British Empire and then the slave-built corporatist state of the U.S.
Is your argument that “tradition must be right”? Slavery is traditional, war is traditional, pollution is traditional, animal agriculture is traditional, oppression is traditional, class hierarchy is traditional.
Thinking cryptocurrency is just a new dollar built on a ponzi scheme has nothing to do with supporting modern capitalism. New money has all the same issues as old money. Which it will be exchange for and values with. This entire circle jerk is ridiculous.
You know who owns a ton of the Bitcoin? Hedge funds and investment banks. You’re supporting a system built on burning a whole bunch of fossil fuels to create a few lines of code that can be horded by the same people who horde all the wealth. You aren’t changing shit.
Want to change something? Got get a gun and become a domestic terrorist or something. You aren’t changing the world by buying crypto.
Blocking you dude, this is getting obnoxious.
They’re all anti-capitalist until they want to bitch about cryptocurrency.
Yeah, “give me anything but an alternative to the thing I hate”. Reminds me of people who talk all day about global warming but, god forbid they have to eat a veggie burger instead of having an entire 10x as wasteful mode of production dedicated to bringing animals to their plate.
Hey, the guys who never took an econ class know more than you. Trust me bro. It’s amazing. It will change the world.
Public has started to realize what a joke the entire concept is. The true believers are all so mad now. Hopefully new investors dry up soon and the entire clown show can collapse with no new money flowing in (you know how a ponzi scheme goes bust).