How is reddit post protest, did it really win over protesters? Did the ones who left make a dent? Or like all things before, did it ultimately do nothing?
I’m hoping this is the direction we go, and I think it will be, though if the Fediverse ever overtook private social media, I’m pretty certain the tech companies would lobby to regulate social media, try to regulate who’s allowed to host web servers, or lobby ISP’s to raise bandwidth costs for people who do host web servers.
Eh, I kinda hope that happens to be honest. I’ve finally got to the point where I just deeply refuse to use any of the large corporation stuff, and if they somehow kill community run social networks, then I’ll finally be free of my addiction that I don’t have the willpower to deal with as long as there’s an ok-enough tempting alternative . Which I know is selfish, but I’d probably help me a lot :D
Interesting. Maybe it’s my lack of imagination, but I don’t see how tech companies stamp us out by lobbying, or how web hosting and cloud services can be restricted based on use case. Seems like the genie is out of the bottle on this thing.