Any bets on them doing this themselves just to get more attention?
The hacked message is too intelligently-written for it to have come from his team.
By that you mean still written to a 3rd grader’s reading level so the dummies might understand a sentence or two.
The message is still far too cohesive for Trump’s team, though, so maybe reading level alone isn’t enough.
no. a donate button to black people? please.
Why look for conspiracy when stupidity can explain so much.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Nah. Actual Trumpies wouldn’t post a pro-honesty message.
This has been up for so long that I doubt it’s a hack: it’s more likely that Trump stiffed his web developer.
I could see this, completely on brand for him.
Only reason I don’t think so is because now the donate button has been gone for too long.