So as the title mentions, I’m wondering how much is too much?
I am currently using Brave with the setting to:
- Aggressively block trackers & ads
- Only connect with HTTPS
- Block fingerprinting
- Block cross-site cookies
In addition to that, I have installed the following extensions:
- uBlock Origin
- Ghostery
- Decentraleyes
- DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
So my question is: Is this overkill? If so, what should/could be removed that may be redundant? I want as much coverage as possible, but not have things bloated.
Why is it trash?
And why are Americans obsessed with the politics of who makes a product?
Its a free, as in free beer, browser. By using it you are not donating money to the CEO.
Never mind the American politics nonsense, Brave has a history of slightly dodgy behaviour. Replacing websites ads with their own, keeping donations meant for creators, hijacking referral links and adding in their own, a lot of cryptocurrency shenanigans, and that’s just what’s on Wikipedia!
I agree with you, that’s irrelevant. What’s not irrelevant is that it’s chromium as in based on chrome, the browser trying to add drm to internet pages. Please use Firefox instead
Given that the US has almost zero privacy legislation, the politics of the owner/maker often hints at decisions that eventually make it into the software. Many of the reasons to avoid chrome and chromium are similar to this, though not about a specific person but about the values that google holds in fucking over standards. We see this reflected in some of the decisions of say social media platforms (even “free-as-in-beer” ones) and many companies.
In many cases, you’re still giving them money and/or power to continue fucking up open standards.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure he donated to (or still donates to?) homophobic action groups.
That’s more than enough reason to boycott something that person is in charge of, imo
In 2008 he donated $1000 in support of California Proposition 8. I don’t know of anything else, at least publicly. Californians also voted and passed the amendment 52%/47%, it was thrown out by the courts.
More recently in 2020 he did say some of the typical conservative stuff about COVID lockdowns, mask mandates, calling Fouci a liar, etc.
How does that affect the software.
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Wow he called me dork.
I’m offended
When you support software you support the company making it, allowing them to grow and profit. If someone does not want to financially support the actions of someone they disagree with, then that is fine.
I do not want success for that man, therefore I’m not going to give his project market share
Market share… Of something that can be had free? You are making less and less sense.
Yes, because if the browser has no market share, there is no point in it continuing to exist and the company folds.
I don’t care if it’s free or costs money, the man gets paid if the product is successful. I don’t want to support him, therefore I don’t use the product. If enough people agree with me and do the same, the product dies & the man fails. Or at the very least the rest of the company kicks him out and the man still fails.
Like this isn’t rocket science
This makes no sense.
How do you expect to convince a large group to stop using a product? Just by saying “he’s bad”?
Be honest with yourselves and admit it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling of “sticking up to the man” by doing… Nothing.
You see you are deluding yourselves in believing you are making a change, but it’s all in your head.
Have you never heard of a boycott?
I’ve said why I think he’s bad, therefore I boycott him and his product. There are other people out there doing exactly the same.
I’m not really sure how you’re struggling with this
How are you thinking of stopping a free product.
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