Each of these reads like an extremely horny and angry man yelling their basest desires at Pornhub’s search function.
Except instead they will treat ai girls as filthy as they want and then expect all women to act like that. Then not understand why they don’t… yeah pretty sure that’s what’s going to happen.
Why would being sexually fulfilled make men more shitty to women? Perhaps aloof, but that is different from hateful.
“sexually fulfilled”!
what do you think sexuality is?
This is a strange question. What do you think sexuality is? And what about your definition precludes fulfillment from an AI partner?
ejaculation is not “sexual fulfillment”!
Yes, and drugs aren’t true happiness, and yet they are prescribed.
drugs aren’t true happiness, and yet they are prescribed
what the heck does that mean?
It means that, even though it’s not what you’re looking for, it’s still helpful.
I doubt many people will get true fulfillment from VR sex because they know at the end if the day it’s not real
I think you underestimate the human ability to self-delude.
Because they will get frustrated when they realize real women are not exactly like their perfect, idealized AI counterparts, that they have their own individual personalities, and are not beholden to their men like an AI girlfriend would.
The whole point is the robot will be satisfying to the point of not pursuing women.
I agree, but as I also mentioned in another reply - those people will eventually interact with real human beings one way or another. It’s not about them pursuing women, but how they will treat them in real life. Of course it won’t be everyone, most people will be able to keep that to themselves, but there will always be the fringe end of the spectrum that can’t help themselves.
Im not sure what your saying, that some people will always suck at dealing with others?
You got downvoted but this is exactly how porn affects many men already
“Real” women are already and have been rocking instagram filters or photoshop for a while now. Deception isn’t limited to AI. Should breast implants be banned too?
I didn’t say it should be banned, we’re just talking about the problems it might cause.
I downvoted not because (as the top reply says) this is how it happens already, but because healthy communication is a cornerstone in every healthy relationship.
Your argument that men are unable to separate the fabricated from reality is insulting,
I do not dismiss we are barely out of the dark ages, but (mostly) we aren’t cave men.
I wasn’t generalizing that men can’t separate the fabricated from reality. I’m saying the fringe and extreme side of the people who would indulge in tech like that would. There are already incels who are like that to women with just the existence of 2D girls. You think it will change for the better if they upgrade to a 3D version complete with physical devices and haptic feedback? Sure maybe, if they keep to their own world. But these people are also online and interact with real human beings too. Obviously the level-headed people won’t be that way, even with the existence and use of those kind of devices. Don’t generalize.
I’d push back on that and say that’s fear mongering. The scenario you’re describing MAY occur IF “they” don’t witness social interactions with IRL girls at all, and that includes video/virtual meetups, video recordings of IRL girls interacting etc.
“They” would have to have never seen a female person in any media other than their AI sexbots, which I find incredibly unlikely that this could become the norm.
Yeah, it’s a great idea, if these people don’t, like, interact with the world writ large
Just like video games taught me to shoot everything
No it’s much more like the way porn already messes up a lot of men’s perception of women and sex
As disney and romantic movies did with womens idea of relationships
How does AI impact this anymore than real girls? If anything it could cut down on sex trafficking.
Makes sense. I grew up playing videogames where I would shot stuff that was in my way. That is why in real life I use a gun to get thru traffic. I also played a game for a while where I rode on the back of a lizard and ate mushrooms to grow larger. Which is pretty much my typical weekday.
For you see I have not hit the level of mental development of most 3 year olds and can not separate our playtime from the real world. Just like the hypothetical people in your example.
Now if you excuse me I plan to make bricks vanish by arranging them in a straight line wall-to-wall in my house.
Without question. The ability to have sex with something isn’t going to prevent them from being socially dysfunctional and would, if anything, make it noticeably worse. You’re getting off, but you still have issues talking to the other sex. They’re just easier to avoid addressing now and your dolls don’t demand basic respect.
I don’t think I’d come out too much against it, personally. People got biological imperatives, I’m not gonna protest against dildos. But the financial and mental health crises both remain and can’t be circumvented like that.
You’re getting off, but you still have issues talking to the other sex.
You just described Japan
I’m already having the mental health crisis, would be nice to have the immersive VR porn to go with it tbh. People in this thread are mostly talking about incels but, like, there’s many men with horrible social issues who are self aware. I don’t have a relationship, I think I would be a terrible partner and me being single is for the best. I still am lonely sometimes, but accepting it and moving on helps a lot. It still would be nice to have something like this because I would be able to have some companionship without having to be in someone else’s life.
Before anyone tells me to go to therapy, I had a few sessions and then my therapist went on long term sick leave and I don’t think I have the strength to try again. It hurts less to just accept and live with my problems.