Each of these reads like an extremely horny and angry man yelling their basest desires at Pornhub’s search function.
Just because something is free it does not mean that there is no marketplace or product. Sozial Media is generally free, but I would still call Facebook, Tiktok or Instagram a product.
Nowadays a lot of industries start out completely free, but move into paid subscription models later.
deleted by creator
Okay. There is still no product involved with AI porn.
People buy and sell paintings despite the fact that you could also make paintings pretty easily. You’re paying for the time they spent creating it and the expertise it required. Just because some people scan and upload their paintings for free, doesn’t mean that all paintings are not products. I don’t see why the same couldn’t be true for AI porn.
You pay in giving up your free time which they sell. Technically we’re just working for free and the product is our attention
Well, fuck, I better log off of Lemmy because it costs me too much damn money.