The scraped data of 2.6 million DuoLingo users was leaked on a hacking forum, allowing threat actors to conduct targeted phishing attacks using the exposed information.
Damn, they’ll know I didn’t finish that Spanish lesson the bird bothered me about!
I hope they don’t fucking send me spam.
Depending on how far you got, you might not understand it anyway.
Quieres una gran verga? Haz click aquí!!!
Mucho dinero en tu futuro! USD$80,000,000,000 Euro!
That’s the thing that annoys me most about Duolingo: if they’re going to show you ads, the least they could do is show you ones in the language you’re trying to learn instead of your native one.
They’ll know I’m ~1800 days into French and still shit at it.
The shame!
Salut! Enchanté, ça va bien?
Je vais bien, et vous?
Très bien!
Hallo en dag!
That means “‘Sup?”
Bonjour means ‘what’s up?’
For ‘sup?’, you just say ‘jour’
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