Each of these reads like an extremely horny and angry man yelling their basest desires at Pornhub’s search function.
Clutch your pearls harder, Puritan. Stay on fb if you fear seeing ankles.
Lol, I’m a fucking atheist ya weirdo
And yet you think porn is unethical which is a weird-ass puritan take
I don’t think porn is unethical. I was extending the logic of a post someone made.
I do, however, think making fake porn of a celebrity and plastering it all over on the Internet requires, at very least, a lot of moral flexibility.
that’s a weird way to spell “bankruptcy”
Difference between ankles and women with 40 foot weenies with massive nutsacks attached to it
That’s not so much the problem as much as not supporting the real providers of pictures of women with 40 foot weenies with massive nutsacks, or everyone seeing your face plastered on that.