Or simply use Firefox?
As if that stops Windows from spamming you with popups that you should be using Edge with Bing instead.
The pop up specifically mentions chrome, it’s not asking to switch browser but just the search engine. It’s anecdotal but I only use Firefox and have never gotten this pop up.
I also have never
I use Firefox on windows 11. I never get pop ups.
Then Microsoft will either tell you to use Edge and Bing (or else!), or just set this automatically.
I had this issue on the windows box at work. For some time, whenever I opened Firefox, it told me that it was not set as the default browser. I fixed this, only to get the same message again the next day.
Are you sure it’s not just your IT locking in the default browser? I for sure never had this problem before.
Nope. At least not on purpose. And for some reason, it only happened on my PC.
I’d say it might be a borked install, then. I’ve had some windows installation that doesn’t lock in settings properly, which is fixed after a reinstall. The reinstall is mostly because I’m too lazy to troubleshoot the actual reason.