Google’s AI-driven Search Generative Experience have been generating results that are downright weird and evil, ie slavery’s positives.

  • livus
    2 years ago

    Obviously it doesn’t “think” any of these things. It’s just a machine repeating back a plausible mimicry.

    What does scare me though is what google execs think.
    They will be tweaking it to remove obvious things like praise of Hitler, because PR, but what about all the other stuff?

    Like, most likely it will be saying things like what a great guy Masaji Kitano was for founding Green Cross and being such an experimental innovator, and no one will bat an eye because they haven’t heard of him.

    As we outsource more and more of our research and fact checking to machines, errors in knowledge are going to be reproduced and reinforced. Like how Cinderella now has “glass” slippers.