Return-to-office orders look like a way for rich, work-obsessed CEOs to grab power back from employees::White-collar workers temporarily enjoyed unprecedented power during the pandemic to decide where and how they worked.
Good, they’ll be left with second rate wage slaves while other companies who trust their employees will be more productive and competitive as a result.
They don’t care. They need to lead/rule over/command people. Second rate or not.
So many don’t understand just how wildly inefficient bureaucratic hierarchies are; what happens isn’t the most profitable thing, it’s the whim of whoever managed to claw their way highest up.
Basically, the decisions are the manifestation of the artificial stupidity of brute force.
How are the MBAs going to pull all their power poses if we work at home?
Through Teams, Webex, Zoom, etc like they already do … all the newer nimble companies don’t care where you are.
That’s why I’m sticking with my company. They even sold about 90% of their buildings and we are never going back to office. They have saved billions, why would they send us back? They make sure to tell us that we will never be sent back to office, unless someone chooses to. There is one office left for those who want to work there.
Trust. You’re right, it completely comes down to trust. If you can’t trust the people you hire to work without someone looming over them or watching everything they do, then you shouldn’t have hired that person.
Plus, if you hire someone and have work for them - either the work gets done (and ideally it’s high quality work of course) or it doesn’t. There are actual meaningful metrics. Asses in seats just isn’t one of them.