I just got this popup while playing New vegas. I don’t even use chrome, i’ve switched to firefox. How can this be allowed? Also, this is Win10
Because in all practical senses, windows is a virus.
Viruses at their core are programs which do things against your will on your own machine. Which is bad.
However, that is exactly what windows does. But like the boiling frog, people for some reason are okay with more bullshit from Microsoft and less control of their own devices with every passing update and year.
Complaining on
redditsocial media does nothing. Switching to Linux gives you back control and will be better for everyone in the long run.Who’s complaining on Reddit?
Plenty of people, but I’m not sure why they would bring it up here on Technology@lemmy.world of all places.
This isn’t reddit?
We don’t speak of it since the great purge.