The final resting place of Russia’s failed Luna-25 lunar lander has apparently been found.
Luna-25, Russia’s first moon probe in 47 years, smashed into the lunar surface on Aug. 19, during a maneuver designed to set up its touchdown try a few days later.
The crash blasted out a new 33 feet (10 meters) wide crater, which NASA’s sharp-eyed Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) likely found last week, agency officials said.
all comments are just sad
this is how we process grief
tell me why. This is the flawless, fearless, borderline superior country that wants to conquer back most of europe and is actively invading souvereign countries, killing or locking up unwanted citizens and is failing at nearly everything it has touched the last years.
Their economy is plumbeling down, their unemployment rate is sky rocking, their degenerated war has brought nothing but suffering and death all over the world and also into their own land and now their superior space mission failed spectaculary as some pieces on the surface of the moon.
So tell me why we shouldn’t joke around that after all this propaganda from russia that painted their country as this nearly godlike and flawless entity? Please tell me why…