Pretty much anything by Brother. They encourage self-service, have super cheap consumables, are very efficient, and have some of the best plug and play experience around.
Pretty much anything by Brother.
Brother LASER. Inkjets still suck no matter the brand.
Didn’t even know they bothered making inkjet products haha.
Oh yeah, my mom has been running a fax/inkjet printer from Brother for a good part of a decade. Ink is super cheap, and it works really well. Only downside is that printer isn’t networked.
Network print server dongle is about $40 from any one of the usual networking companies, or an RPi0w is about $15. 🖖
Also most routers with an USB can also handle a printer
I ended up getting her a used network printer before those dongles existed. She’s just stubborn with what she will use. Honestly, I might just buy her a replacement laser printer and toss out all the old ones at some point. She finally admitted not needing a fax anymore a couple years back.