Why the fuck do people still put content on that shit platform? Stop complaint about it and just leave. This Stockholm relationship shit has been going on for years now. Just quit using it.
And go where?? Most of the platforms either
-Can’t handle it
-Have no monetization plan for content creators
-Doesn’t support streaming for streamers
-Just hasn’t been hit yet by lawyersLike the only platform even close to it is Twitch, which has it’s own issues and doesn’t want to host videos to the extent youtube does.
This isn’t like Reddit or Twitter. The competitors aren’t remotely close and in some cases don’t even support the types of content Youtube does.
And go nowhere. If you have no other recourse but to post videoed on YouTube, re-evaluate your life. It’s no one’s only option. Either leave, or admit your Stockholm-like relationship, and learn to love your oppressor. Because its fucking annoying to hear people constantly complaining about their relationship while remaining in it.
So you don’t care where it ends up, you’re just whining about whiners.
Got it.
ROFL… sure. If you say so. I just think it’s hilarious to watch everyone bitch about a platform, and then keep using it.
Stop complaint about it and just leave.