According to Google Trends, during the past few years, there has been nothing but a few minor bumps that faded away as quickly as they came. I love RSS because i do not have to scroll through dozens of different news sites all day and i would love it to return.
EDIT: Typical case of people only reading the headline. I was asking why people are hyped over something that did NOT happen.
For me it has to do with this
- I want a feed that updates based on my subscription
- That subscription content could be anything, blog posts, updates on a Wikipedia page (to keep up to date with a news story that is out of the limelight), or get updated with a XKCD comic
RSS meets both these, dead simple. It’s also low in data usage, but it’s for those reasons that I recently started using RSS after leaving it years ago.
P.S. I believe some blame goes toward “fragmentation”, i.e. we still need to check a couple of websites for something new. RSS solves that by bringing all that into one place
It seems like Activitypub could do these two things and maybe more.
Sounds interesting, especially with the fact you can comment on it. Only issue is getting sites to adopt it, and currently RSS is just dead simple to implement.