Bet it wasn’t google, it was something ‘xingwang productions’ calling themselves google.
Raspberry pi had loads of these during the shortage (still does, I think)… the listing has ‘Raspberry Pi model 4B’ and ‘Visit the raspberry pi store’ and ‘#1 best seller’ and you dig a little and find it’s a reseller who’s shifting at a markup.
Amazon do nothing to prevent companies masquerading as others.
The problem is Amazon puts everything with the same SKU in the same bin. So your “xingwang productions” Pixel phones are in the same place as the official “Google Store” stuff.
I basically stopped buying on Amazon unless there’s no other way to get what I want (or it doesn’t matter that much) because of this. Definitely not touching any food, skin cream, etc from there or expensive electronics.
I am pretty sure they already stopped doing that for a long time. I mean mistake might still happen but I do not think they do that anymore.