I post this a second time because this post is more active. What can we do to stop the transfer of data? Can we disconnect the antenna/modem that connects the cars to the Internet?
I know my vehicle has a fuse to pull to disconnect the modem.
Dont buy the car.
Thanks for the advice, I’ll just walk 26 miles to work each day I guess…
Get something made before 2017.
You can take public transportation. Oh wait, that requires governments to actually supply cities with useful and we’ll organized public transportation and since you’re probably in the US (the only country left that still uses the useless “miles” metric) and the US government has been bought up by (amongst others)car companies, there isn’t any meaningful pyblxi transportation left.
I can assure you that miles are quite useful for determining distance, I do it nearly every day. Other than that you’re spot on.
So are banana’s but we don’t use those either
How ironic. I guess you haven’t been on Reddit in the past decade.
13 years Redditor, on average 2 posts and 20 comments per day. I was a power user there until the purge
So maybe you were joking and I didn’t catch it?
Fucking Europeans. They have no problem telling us hos shitty we are. But if we comment once on something that happens in their country, we get the typical “don’t comment on our country, because you don’t live there”.
What I don’t get is the intensity. I can’t tell if it’s sarcasm maybe, or just a cultural difference in how people talk? Like, I can take a good ribbing about using weird units of measurement, but some non-Americans seem genuinely pissed off about it. Seems like a waste of energy for something that almost never affects you if you’re not American. I mean, most of us Americans were born with it, it’s not like we got a say or anything. We kind of have more pressing matters right now, maybe give us a few decades before we worry about our measurement system?
Interestingly enough there have already been attempts to shift to metric since at least the 70’s but it’s mostly been pushed back by conservatives.
People are not really pissed about it but more annoyed because there are loads of loudmouth Americans out there screaming how their country is “NUMBER ONE BABY!” and whenever I have to write something with units, I always have to add conversions for Americans because they Wong understand what the entire rest of the world does,which is frankly annoying too.
That’s why
Hmm, you’re kind of sounding a little pissed though…
I’ve been on Reddit for years and never seen Americans claiming we’re number one. Quite the opposite actually. Same here so far. Not sure where you’re hanging out that you’re hearing Americans saying that, but I would argue that it’s a minority view. As far as converting for us, I would say, don’t. The sooner Americans have to go do it themselves, the sooner everyone else in the world can stop caring about it.
That would actually be the entire rest of the world. Also the scientific part of the US, as everyone got the memo on that the metric system is just so much better.
Sorry for poking at it but it’s tiresome that I continuously need to add conversions to weird units for Americans because if I don’t I get flushed with messages if I can please use “real units” or “freedom units”. Stop using a badly designed 300 year old system and join the rest of the world already. Even your scientists and engineers already do so, its just that the rest of your citizens don’t want to hop on for some reason.
And hey, you’re free to criticize Europe if you want, there is more than enough legit criticism to be had. It’s just that Europe doesn’t have the level of issues that the US has and at least Europe isn’t screaming around that they’re the best. Europe generally knows that it’s flawed but it’s trying to get better. The US is rolling off a cliff whilst screaming they’re number one. Eh, okay then!
They sell other cars you know?
Which ones will not spy on me?
I guess you’ll have to do your research on that but you saying there is not one car for you is just wrong
This article is literally about how they tested 25 brands and zero of them passed privacy review.
I will drive my 06xB till the wheels fall off
Cars made in the 20th century are probably safe.
Safe from a privacy perspective. Otherwise they’re very unsafe by modern standards. Minimal airbags. Often no ABS. What ABS that is there is less sophisticated than modern systems. Worse structures for crash protection. No stability control. No traction control.
Plus they’re just old. Last year, I spent more on my 20 year old car than I did on my 2 year old car, that includes loan payments on the new car, fuel, tires, insurance, and maintenance.
Get something from this century at least.
Twenty years old is this century, twenty years ago is 2003.
To be specific my car is actually 23 years old. To be really pedantic, it was manufactured in 1999.
Go for a car from the 19th century just to be sure. They might miss a few features, such as differential, but if you’re worried about your privacy it’ll be worth it!
/j obviously.
That would’ve been possible when consumers had a choice but now it’s too late.