I need to get into the business of being paid to not mine crypto. Sounds lucrative, and I have the skillset already.
Here I am, not mining crypto for free, like some sucker!
if you’re good at something, never do it for free
The government paid him well for every coin of crypto he did not mine. The more crypto he did not mine, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn’t earn on new GPUs to increase the amount of crypto he did not mine. Major Major’s father worked without rest at not mining crypto.
I would totally read that book.
Sounds like our Agriculture industry. The people that unironically cry socialism when kids get free school lunch and shit…
That’s actually the joke. The book Catch-22 has a story about Major Major ( rank, name) whose father scammed the government for corn subsidies by not farming.
Good book, I would recommend it!
That’s a sweet gig, if you can get it. I heard you have to now show you can grow but choose not to.
One of my absolute favorites. “Help the bombardier!”