Streaming Has Reached Its Sad, Predictable Fate | What should I watch? is now a much easier question than How do I watch it?::<em>What should I watch? </em>is now a much easier question than <em>How do I watch it?</em>
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I honestly didn’t even include a DVD/BluRay drive in my PC build, so can’t really use those. And I tunnel all that traffic through Proton VPN, so ISP isn’t an issue.
If you have a spare USB 3 port and a spare power outlet, then you can get an external 4K Bluray drive for $100 or less.
It may be cheaper to just buy an old PC for this purpose.
An old, sub-$100 PC isn’t going to be able to read 4K blurays, and if you only want a regular bluray reader then those drives are even cheaper.