The IRS Is Using AI to Target the Ultra-Wealthy for Tax Violations::The agency is adding AI tools to identify taxpayers who make $1 million and up, and have more than $250,000 in tax evasion.
They say “ai” but do they just mean software?
Probably machine learning models, as usual. Which may or may not be classified as AI.
Either way, useful in statistical problems like this.
Edit: reading the press release, yep, machine learning.
All software is now AI. The sensor that tells your fridge to turn off when it’s cold enough? Well that makes a decision of some kind, so AI. The cook timer on your microwave? AI. Your thermostat? Definitely AI.
Old-school AI systems from way back in the day called Expert Systems were just a crapload of IF statements. There’s never been a concrete agreed-upon definition of AI because there’s never been an agreed-upon definition of the word Intelligence.