I feel like we’re missing the forest for the trees here, this is all in service of a feature in bing that was supposed to revolutionize search but actually caused a 0% increase in Bing’s market share from q1 to q3 https://www.zdnet.com/google-amp/article/bings-search-market-share-fails-to-budge-despite-ai-push/
AI Tools - plural. ChatGPT (and OpenAI as a whole) predominantly runs on Azure infrastructure. Microsoft also owns GitHub with its associated copilot. And now all the Microsoft product specific copilots.
Not trying to defend their usage, but there are several forests here that are quite visible.
Oh wow didn’t know github was owned by Ms
I’d use it all the time if it didn’t require an account.
I’ve been using the Codium plugin in VSCode for a little bit now and find it useful. It’s free, but does require an account.