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YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead::The complementary lawsuits claim that the massacre in 2022 was made possible by tech giants, a local gun shop, and the gunman’s parents.
They should be suing the Conservative Party. That’s the enabler of gun violence.
hm yes, let’s look at who commits the most gun violence in the US, surely it is conservatives!
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why don’t you tell me how I am wrong?
we both know I am 100% correct.
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“The conservative party enables gun violence” and “conservatives commit the most gun violence” are completely separate and independent statements. The person you’re replying to is saying the former, not the latter.
In other words, they aren’t saying that Republicans commit the majority of gun violence, but that the policies championed and implemented by Republicans are responsible for gun violence occurring.
And whether or not Republicans like it, they admit this all the time, although not the way you’d think. The GOP likes to say that mental health is the driver of gun violence and mass shootings, but simultaneously, the GOP votes against improved mental healthcare and even slashes funding for it.
Ah yes, the conservative party makes all those gangbangers get illegal guns and shoot each other up.
brilliant comment.
Most shootings happen with legally bought guns, but okay.
Learn what ENABLE means. Then come back and learn fit your dumb shit.
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Go take a political litmus test of every gang member in the US and see how many are conservatives.
Active shooters make a drop in the pale comparatively, they’re just the ones the media focuses on because it’s the narrative they prefer.
Learn the difference between the concept of one who enables the crime, and one who commits the crime.
If you’re having a hard time understanding how our law handles such a thing:
Read up on a guy named Charles Manson. Then delete your dumb shit.
I’m pretty sure most cops lean right soooo
You really don’t see why the media would focus on a random mass killing instead of 2 scumbags shooting at each other over drugs? Weird.
2? More like thousands. If guns are the problem, then guns are the problem. We don’t need to focus on specific gun crime when those crimes are once again a drop in the bucket.
That’s why it’s weird.
Guns are indeed the problem. As every other developed nation shows.
Why people still claim the US is developed beats me, they belong in the same line as Brazil and Mexico (no offence Brazilians and Mexicans)
Ah yes, the famously politically active gang members.
Politically Active? Since when was that the metric? We are just talking about political alignment.
And why do you think they’re Dem?
They likely don’t care about politics
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Crips and Bloods out there endorsing Biden.
They shoot each other in the name of societal wealth distribution, everyone knows that
Lmao you should read up
No u.
Here, I’ll give you a head start:
University of Maryland Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
our analysis shows that right-wing actors are significantly more violent than left-wing actors
the probability of a violent act of extremism in the United States being committed by a left-wing extremist was found to be 0.33, 0.61 by a right-wing extremist, and 0.62 by an Islamist extremist.You’ll notice that’s double the incidents from the right vs the left.
Military Times, which no one could reasonably claim has any liberal bias
But terrorism carried out by right-wing actors eclipsed that of leftist movements in the 1990s … Now, government agencies and scholars across the political spectrum agree that far-right movements have caused most of the political violence in the U.S. over the past few years – and present the most dangerous threat today.
West Point Combating Terrorism Center – and again, West Point can hardly be called liberal
Accelerationist ideology, conspiracy theories, disinformation, and far-right extremist narratives have played a key role in the prioritization of critical infrastructure as a target for the violent far-right. The intersections of these ideologies and narratives have led to complex attacks on power grids and the targeting of telecommunications systems by far-right extremists. The increased focus and attacks on critical infrastructure by far-right extremists has the potential to wreak extensive, multifaceted societal disruption and damage, impacting communications, the economy, mobility, and basic human necessities.
Can you provide legitimate, unbiased sources for your claims? Because all the data says you’re being lied to.
I live in LA def ain’t conservatives out here shooting it up. I can just go see if in real life stay to your online life
Mhm. Your anecdotal ‘feels’ outweigh actual data, sounds about right(wing).
How about you at least try to back up what you say with anything at all beyond ‘I believe it’s true’? Because nobody outside your bubble is going to take that seriously.
I’m from a city roughly the size and makeup of LA, so you can keep your ‘online life’ comment to yourself.
e-side note: real people are behind these usernames, you know. Not NPCs or drones, but actual people with lives sharing similarities to your own in varying degrees. People aren’t black and white caricatures, and treating them as though they’re hypothetical characters in fake worlds further detaches you from them and can lead to a distorted worldview.
It’s important keep remembering that, because bad actors have been working hard to take advantage of the tendency we all have towards this.
Quit being obtuse. You know as well as I do that conservatives ENABLE the gun violence we see every day. It’s baked right into the bullshit policy they enact, the laws they block, and the gun manufacturers that pay them their salaries.