We’ve all been there.
Should be: “your password cannot be one of your last 24 passwords”
Especially for those places that want your password changed every two weeks.
If they want to play that game - the calendar date becomes part of the password. It’s never the same, but you can always work it out!
Or just append a letter that increments every time you change your password, and keep a note of what the current letter is.
…When your z password expires, just wrap back around to a.
Yeah, this is important. Make it a really big number too so that I have to change my password lots of times in a row in order to put it back to what it was. ;)
At my work they wanted better security, and made the rule of minimum 12 characters, must include all sorts of numbers, special characters, etc, no previously used password and it must be changed every month, 3 attempts then the account is locked and you have to call IT.
The result was that people wrote their passwords on post-its on the screen, so it led to worse security overall and they had ro relax the rules.