These threads used to be really useful back on Reddit.
I’m currently finishing off full app translations for the next release along with lots of the usual bug fixes.
What should I prioritise next?
Cheers, Lj
Comments collapsing down not up.
I.e. I read a long comment, collapse it and then don’t have to scroll up to read the next one.
Related, collapsing the parent comment as well, not just the children.
You can already do that
This is what happens when I long pressed on my own comment to collapse it. I’m asking to have the comment that I long press also have its comment body hidden. Is that a setting somewhere?
Edit: It’s a toggle option in settings, search for “collapse”.
I’m pretty new here. Thanks to your post learned they collapse at all - kept trying to collapse them the way relay did for reddit. And had just decided oh well guess they don’t collapse here.