Reddit is ending Reddit Gold and users are furious::undefined
That’s what’s great about all these companies. They take credit for, and try to derive value from, things they didn’t actually create. Reddit keeps on talking about “their” data that was created by users, for free, and moderated by other users, also for free. Yet it’s somehow theirs and they can sell it?
Twitter didn’t invent hashtags. They were user created annd eventually incorporated in to the service.
These services add very little value, but they believe they add it all.
Capitalizing off the backs of Community
What they’re good at is seeing trends kind of late and then making everyone believe they invented them. They’re quite good at that. Most would call that a grift.
What they should be is platforms and tools for people to interact, with some controls to prevent Nazis and MRAs from ruining things for everyone.
Lol twitter didn’t even invent calling it “tweets”, @ mentions, retweets, etc. Like reddit, most of product development past the very basic idea came from the community.
Hashtags were invented by the Twitter community. And the @ sign account linking was invented by Twitter third party apps, which Elon musk killed