Wouldn’t need it at all if rideshare drivers stopped sexually assaulting passengers
Can’t really comment on that as in my city (not US) to drive for these companies you need a license. To get the license, they perform background checks, check your criminal record, ask for medical approval, etc, every time you have to renew it, and all this seems to stop a lot of bad stuff. Not saying it doesn’t happen - you can’t never completely stop it - but there are ways to reduce it.
Anyway, they could just allow customers to select their preferred gender, would make anyone that wants to use such option happy, and we wouldn’t even have to talk about discrimination.
There are plenty of sexually aggressive riders too. It’s not one sided. We can summarize it thus: people suck.
riders were the accused party 43% of the time in sexual assault incident reports
True! Good point
Perhaps this whole “random people using their regular car to give rides to total strangers” thing was a bad idea…
What if instead the rides were given in specially modified cars that can include some security features for both parties? And in order to pay for this, perhaps there could be some kind of central company that owned the cars and simply hired the drivers?
On one hand, yes. On the other hand, have you known many companies that have successfully weeded out creeps that work there?
That’s just crazy talk. Next you’ll tell us there should be really big municipally-run cars that a whole bunch of people can ride at once which makes multiple stops. Insanity!