Well then, do what you tell people who condemn rapists and pedophiles to do: learn some empathy.
People who hold different opinions and worldviews than you aren’t fucking mentally ill. You are by insinuating such. You are not the center of the universe and your opinions are not automatically facts just because you hold them.
Americans actually do still have a constitutional right to advocate overthrowing their government if they want; the whole fucking point of the first and second amendments is to enable the people to do just that.
I’m tired of people like you and your vile bullshit. Don’t like it, get out of the thread. But don’t come in here with your holier-than-thou act thinking you’re going to bully or guilt trip or emotionally blackmail anybody into sitting down or submitting to your opinion like you’ve been doing to the American people for decades now.
Not everyone on the internet is American bozo
Most of us in the thread are. Sideshow Bob.
People who hold different opinions and worldviews than you
“Threatening to kill people and not wanting people to threaten to kill people are equal worldviews, actually.”
Strawmanning and attacking #EatTheRich memebros actually is equivalent to enabling actual violence by condemning anyone who opposes nonviolence, actually, and it’s why you all are finally, finally being downvoted and rejected by everyone else. Ackshually
No I’m being downvoted because gamers have really rustled jimmies, and this place has a lot of commie-leaning people.
Wanna know how I know? The actual rest of society thinks this is a terrible thing to do.
And it couldn’t possibly be that you’re just wrong.
Wanna know how I know? Because I actually think and don’t resort to blatant bandwagon fallacies like you do. Actually recent polls have even shown the number of Americans who agree with sentiments like #EatTheRich or who accept political violence is rising, and it’s more Democrats doing it than Republicans, so you’re doubly wrong.
Take your status-quo-or-die bullshit elsewhere. We’ve had enough of it. No one has to agree with you on the issue. No one has to agree with you on nonviolence or political violence or any sort of -ence. People have the right to feel the way they want to feel and as someone with a vested stake in a liberal democracy that pretends to care about such things, by extension you have to respect that.
Let it go.
I don’t give a shit and didn’t read this, because I think you’re a bad person. Your parents failed you.
Tell us you don’t want to admit you’re wrong without telling us you don’t want to admit you’re wrong
Call your dad and tell him I told him he’s a terrible example.
Go to that gravestone and ask it if honor matters. Its silence is your answer.
Thanks for the link. Some of those results were interesting. Question. Your link says that 84% disagree with the statement that “political violence against those I disagree with is acceptable”. How have you concluded this is “rising”? What is your base of comparrison?
It was lower and now went up to like, 16-17%.
In a normal society, that number should be close to zero not because of propaganda, but because people genuinely are happy in the society they’re in.
Which clearly is not happening.
I’m assuming you read this elsewhere because your source does not have a comparrison number. So at present, there is nothing to indicate the number is rising. For all we know the number of people who agree with that type of violence could have been sitting at 16% for many years.
It isn’t realistic to expect the number to be zero. There will always be radicals. Always. Even if we somehow create a perfect utopia, there will always be a handful of malcontents.
You literally could have just Googled it instead of trying to bad-faith your way to the position you want to believe, but whatever, I Googled it for you, there you go. The one poll I posted is not the only one that shows the trend. Civil war’s a-brewing, fren.
I also didn’t say zero, I said close to zero. Jesus Christ, if you’re going to speak in bad faith you could at least try to be subtle about it. At least the assholes in the other threads would have the decency to use a motte-and-bailey. You’re just lazily throwing out strawmen and obvious garbage.
I’m sorry I don’t condone the killing of people simply because they make more than I do.
Seriously grow the fuck up.
I’m sorry I don’t condone the murder and enslavement of millions around the world by a small dominant group of people who have no one’s best interests at heart but their own.
I’m sorry I don’t condone the perpetuation of a broken system that purposefully subjugates billions of people.
I’m sorry you’re butthurt I and a bunch of other people on the internet won’t validate your massively unjustified sense of superiority and self-importance.
You grow the fuck up.
Grow. Up. And stop protecting and defending evil people. Stop hurting society and stop hurting us.
How equivalent is
“I don’t condone the killing of people simply because they make more than I do.”
“[condoning] the murder and enslavement of millions around the world by a small dominant group of people who have no one’s best interests at heart but their own.”?
Go read actual history and find out.
What I found out is the outcomes of events like the French Revolution and the rule of the Khmer Rouge i.e. vastly different dependent on the circumstances of the place and time.
Well, what the rest of us found out is the outcome of almost every other revolution in modern history including the American Revolution, which kickstarted modern democracy and led to the liberation of 60 other countries from enslavement, colonization and oppression.
In other words, you are just biased and here with an agenda just like you shitlords were when you inundated the Danny Masterson thread and the other news threads where you hounded on anybody who dared oppose your vile little sacred cow.
Take your political agenda out of our lives and respect our right to make up our own fucking minds. You are hurting us by acting this way: you enable and defend evil, you help the ruling class continue to subjugate the working class, and you do it all because you yourself benefit from the status quo and don’t want to miss out on McDonald’s and 7-11 because of the workers getting riled up.
- Hurting you by acting how?
- Aside from “killing the rich”, how should one attack evil and break the working class’s subjugation?
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Seems to me like you’re far more butthurt judging by this comment thread lol.
You’ve put a lot of words in my mouth that I’ve never said.
I almost guarantee you and I have more in common than you may realize unfortunately you’re so blinded by hate you’re unable to think clearly.
Mark my words we are working towards WW3 and it scares the living hell out of me because people like you are so built up in your echo chambers and you’re frothing at the mouth. There’s no difference between your attitude and those of an average Trump supporter. It’s blind rage. Looking for simple solutions to a complex world.
I seriously worry for my children. The anger is so unfocused or focused on the wrong area.
We can change the system but we have to want to. The problem is people increasingly on the left and right just want to burn it down.