Too late, the damage is done. A lot of people are getting off the Unity bandwagon.
Yep. Even if they reverse course, they can’t be trusted not to make a similar retroactive change in the future.
I think that may be the greatest dammage they’ve done to themselves. They used to be trusted as one of the good players. Now they can’t be trusted anymore. Apart from unhappy developers leaving, who would start to develop with Unity after this?
I have a pipe dream of slowly developing a game of my own, but even if I think I could eventually figure out my own homebrew engine, the whole thing is operating on my free time so that’s even more unrealistic of a goal that’s either gonna lead nowhere or to massive headache down the line.
So I looked around and liked a few things about Unity:
- 2D game support
- Easy publishing to consoles
- Free to develop in while I test the waters
- Plethora of training material available
I’ve sunk a decent amount of time into training materials already, and was starting to feel good about the whole process when this news hit. Not even gonna question it, I’m looking elsewhere. Godot looking mighty tempting to avoid any shenanigans like this. Ultimately if my dream ever realizes I’d like to be able to publish to console, but there are routes available for that with Godot and maybe the options would improve by the time I reach that point.
Yeah I’m in the same boat. Looked at all the engines, decided that my idea was simple enough and picked Godot. Then this news hit. Glad I made that decision.
They would have to have a complete change of management for the engine to even be considered.
Yeah the CEO saying some shit to the effect of
Specifically, Riccitiello said that developers who don’t implement monetization systems early on are “the most beautiful and pure, brilliant people. They’re also some of the biggest fucking idiots”.
I didn’t even know he had said that till this news.
I’m actively avoiding unity games and unity development, so there’s that. Can’t put that genie back in the bottle. They massively fucked up.