These chatGPT walls of text are getting out of hand.
Didn’t use ChatGPT, but you’re the first person to accuse me of that. Funny times :)
Didn’t use ChatGPT
Yes you did. But, to be fair, in case you didn’t, why don’t we say chatGPT-like then, to make you feel better.
And I’ve seen others say the same thing about those huge walls of text that are semi-nonsensical lazy ramblings to other people, so I’m not the only one expressing this opinion.
Honestly I didn’t. Have a nice life, I’ll not be responding anymore.
Honestly I didn’t. Have a nice life, I’ll not be responding anymore.
If you’re being truthful, then my only advice would be that if you want people to actually consider what you’re saying then you should be less verbose and more straightforward when you say it.
And also, maybe modify your writing style, it reads very much like chatGPT.