No evidence that UFOs are aliens — NASA attempts to make conversations about aerial phenomena more scientific::NASA attempts to make conversations about aerial phenomena more scientific.
Right now the US military and NASA is in agreement that UAPs exist, there’s thousands of citizens interested in UAPs/NHI, yet not a single scientist in the past 75 years wanted to find the answer to what these UAPs are?
Science in itself is debunking trivial bullshit until you find a rock solid solution and right now we don’t have a solution.
I think NASA’s and the wider scientific community’s stance on this is less “Not a chance.” and more “If you really want us to look into this, you have to fund it.” No one is volunteering to be the official “It’s not aliens.” guy and get death threats from conspiracy theorists and shit.
And the question for us should be “How much tax money should we spend on this?” rather than “Do we want an answer?”
But do we really want an answer?
I want an answer but not from scientists. I want to know about the people who believe the aliens crash landed and the government has the spaceship. So, they have the technology to bend space and time at will or at least avoid micro-meteors the whole way. But then they get to Earth and fly directly into a tree?
Eh, shit happens even to top guns flying our latest tech. Consider the implications of the existence of life outside Earth tho. How would the public react?
The answer? You think there is only one? UAPs are a hodgepodge of anomalies. They’re not a single phenomenon. There are people in various fields who would and do study them. Odd things on a radar will certainly be of interest to radar manufacturers for exqmple.
But we all know what people mean by UFOs, er., UAPs. “I’m not saying it’s aliens. But it’s aliens…”
Spoiler: it’s not aliens.