Fuck that just built trams and trains
Do you have any idea how much time and resources it would take to construct high speed rail across the US compared to small local airstrips for VTOLs?
An order of magnitude less than carrying the same cargo via VTOLs.
Jesus Christ I don’t even know why I bother arguing with people who will constantly move the goal posts. We aren’t talking about cargo, we are talking about transporting people, fucks sake.
This place really did take the dumbest of reddit.
Do you know how much more utility and efficiency actual public transport has?
Flying is a horrible option for short range public transport.
Do you have a idea how much more efficient it would be?
Yeah and think of how many more people a single five-person helicopter can move per hour! An obvious choice
there are literally rails behind my house why is there not a tram on it to go across town idk. Cargobonly passes once every hour lmao