I did a poll and nearly 30% of the people who voted said they used Sync! It’s stayed around that percent the whole time too!

EDIT: Here is the poll I forgot to put this here like five times lol https://strawpoll.com/wby5A21R1yA

    • XusonthaOP
      332 years ago

      Well it was more like 4-5k and it is most likely a fair representation of overall users, as it was asked in a general community which is one of the largest and the percentage stayed around the same the whole time

      • @dezmd@lemmy.world
        -41 year ago

        What general community on what instance?

        There is no way this poll provides a realistic sentiment thats anything but a pulled out of thin air guess.

        Does the poll verbiage differentiate if I have Sync but use Liftoff far more at the moment?

        • XusonthaOP
          21 year ago

          This poll was originally shared in !asklemmy@lemmy.ml then in !voyagerapp@lemmy.world. Given how one of them is one of the 3 largest communities on the Lemmy network and the other is a community for another app, I would say those communities probably aren’t biased. There wasn’t even a link to the poll on this post until seven hours after this post was created, which was after most of the engagement with this post.

          The poll asks for which client(s) you mainly use and has the opportunity for multiple, so 25-30ish percent of 4.5k people (1.8k people) voted that Sync is one of their main clients. That doesn’t mean they don’t use multiple, but it does mean it is by far the largest client used by people in general, even if everyone uses multiple (which I do)

          • @dezmd@lemmy.world
            -31 year ago

            How about a link to the polls directly?

            What time of day? how long was the poll up?

            This is not a well done poll based on the (lack of) details about it. This is just an arbitrary survey of a small microcosm of users. Making statements like ‘25%’ of Lemmy users are using Sync based on this poll, true or not, is a false conclusion from a limited data set.

            /waves poor statstical probabilities around like an old man cane

            • @Neve8028@lemm.ee
              21 year ago

              Why would the time of day change what apps people are using? Same with how long the poll was up? Neither of those factors have any relevance to the topic of the poll.

            • XusonthaOP
              21 year ago

              None of these even matter whatsoever but here you go

              12pm UTC, it’s been up since Monday

              The data set isn’t that limited given the poll was posted in !asklemmy@lemmy.ml, the second-largest community on the lemmy network (depending on where you look)

              If you don’t like Sync than just say it, don’t just complain about a poll in a way that isn’t even true. All you’re doing is wasting your and my time instead of actually doing something productive with your life and time

      • Illecors
        -32 years ago

        I don’t want to be a dick. All I’m saying is running such a poll is tricky as time of day as well as day of the week will impact the results drastically. Add to that the type of audience and then you’ve got massive skew.

        • Spliffman1
          31 year ago

          I did my own poll and the 3 most important people to me all use Sync, me, myself and I lol. I have no problem with other people using what they want for whatever reason they want, and won’t knock anybody. But for we three, we used them all and we like Sync best.