I love the Voyager so far. 💜
How is the moonlander? Worth the cost?
I adore the Moonlander, and absolutely think it’s worth the cost. I plan to keep using both boards in different contexts.
I have a Moonlander and think it is great. However, if I were to buy a new ergo split keyboard today, I would seriously consider a glove80: https://www.moergo.com/collections/glove80-keyboards/products/glv80-soldered?variant=44253212377361
I’ve heard great things about the Glove80! I like a 40% layout, though, so it has way too many keys for me.
I have the moon lander and like it a lot.
The downsides to it are that it is not wireless, and it has too many keys for me. If you keep everything on within one row from the Home row, you really only need like 36 keys.
Otherwise, I think it’s a great keyboard, even though it is expensive.