and then me again with Google play music. “upload your music, we’ll keep it for you”
and then I lost everything when it shut down.
There was a long period where you could transfer your GPM uploads to YTM.
It worked perfectly for me - all my previously uploaded music is in my Library under “Uploads”.
yeah, it did not work for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What happened?
I had albums with missing songs, a few albums wouldn’t transfer. I had versions of songs that were different.
I didn’t lose everything but there was enough that I cared about that I no longer want to trust a system where I don’t actually own the music
You can still upload up to 100,000 tracks, I believe.
Though I’ve not personally tried to do a bulk upload since before it changed from GPM, so I don’t know if there’s still library import tools available to help with that