Remember when NFTs sold for millions of dollars? 95% of the digital collectibles are now probably worthless.::NFTs had a huge bull run two years ago, with billions of dollars per month in trading volume, but now most have crashed to zero, a study found.
We have been attributing a huge value to a metal that’s mostly remarkable for being yellow and shinny for millennia, one of the biggest investment bubbles in history was over a flower, and people thought that using a loophole to profit from the arbitrage of international reply coupons was going to last forever. Hell, people paid for fake property titles for land on the Moon and Mars. It’s not that surprising that some people think that buying a random number in a distributed database is an investment.
Yellow, shiny, and untarnishable/non-poisonous. The latter are very nice properties to have for jewelry, as your skin will eat away most metals over time.
People like looking pretty, that has consistent value other than using it as a medium of exchange/ store of value.
Yeah, the really smart people bought whole stars!
Don’t forget the beanie babies, which just like NFTs were created to be scarce and be seen as an investment.
Turned out the same as well.
True, but to be fair, them shiny metals for the longest time were reasonably rare and couldn’t be made, and served well for a means of currency. NFTs are pretty ridiculous all things considered. People also “bought” stars too, so yeah, many will buy dumb shit.
remarkable for being yellow and [shiny]
Yes, but also very rare, and effectively impossible to create or destroy.