He’ll close Tesla completely before he allows this. So win win
How has the biggest name in EVs become so hated here? I get that Lemmy wants to see everyone in an apartment, but not everyone is going to migrate to the city. Is Lemmy suggesting those that stay in rural areas just keep driving gas powered cars?
Lose Elon, Gain Respect.
Because all he is is a name. Over the last several years, he’s demonstrated that he’s an entitled, racist moron who confused money with actual intelligence.
In case you haven’t noticed, real auto manufacturers with decades and decades of experience have caught up. Tesla is going to get it’s lunch eaten.
lol sure
I definitely want more competition in the area. Tesla has some obnoxious practices that competition will force them to improve. But without Tesla we would not have the charging stations we have now. We would be stuck with the occasional plug in hybrid. Legacy manufacturers were simply not advancing.
Elon musk bought a great business and is ruining the image, but they are still awesome cars compared to gas. Even if they completely fail now, I’m still glad they were around to force others to innovate.
I agree that Tesla lit a fire under the other auto manufacturers asses. I absolutely give credit where credit is due. But now, they’ve got competition, and Tesla’s reputation for quality and reliability ain’t great.
Lemmy wants to see everyone in a free single family house that doesn’t disrupt the natural environment in any way, also it comes with free food and free utilities, and theres no roads and no cars.
I’d settle for Elon selling all his companies and taking a 50-year holiday on a private island quietly enjoying his 200 billion and we never hear from his stupid ass again.
I hear Titanic vacations are beautiful this time of year. He could build his own sub to go there in less time than it takes a cave full of children to run out of air.
We should have let him pilot his magic cave sub. That’s where this timeline fucked up :/ he would have died a tragic hero, not lived long enough to out himself as a wanker.
Only problem with that is that the sub might have gotten stuck and prevented the divers from saving the kids.
They should have said, “yes, Elon, you go design and build that sub and save those kids!” And then while he’s away, save the kids, and THEN tell him he can go save them in his sub.
Tesla use to be the only widely recognized source for EVs. Nowadays people who buy new ones find out how poorly put together they are. There are more options available and ev charging stations are popping up even in my smaller town.
Because he is a terrible person. Its nothing to do with evs
Well his EVs are kinda doodoo too, outside of build quality they look stupid and dated.
Are you a Ford/GM investor by any chance?
Doubtful the rest of the Board of Directors would vote yes on that motion. He only owns like 27% of Tesla. If people wanted to unionize, bet you he wouldn’t even close down 1 factory. He’ll just double down on his anti-democratic anti-worker rhetoric.
He’s still by and large the majority shareholder compared to anyone on the board, and they’re all basically his puppets. They’re all propped up by him and sit on the boards of his other companies, so they really can’t vote against him, lest they incur the wrath of the Musk.